Empower Ministries International works primarily through national (indigenous) church planting ministries. These are united clusters of born-again, Bible-believing churches that have been raised up by God.
He Builds…We Strengthen…His Church
The following Core Values set Empower Ministries apart as being unique in the world of Christian missions. God has breathed life into this ministry and has commissioned us to strengthen and equip national church planting ministries. To accomplish this task, under the blessing and anointing of God, these Core Values will be clearly adhered to.
Relationship with the National Church
We are:
Generous in providing assistance free of charge and without obligation to national believers
Inconspicuous with a goal of losing our identity in the Global Church and honoring what God is building
Advocates and representatives of the mission and calling of the national Church
Approachable by national church planting movements seeking assistance
Relationship with the North American Church
We value:
Accountability to donors as their trusted link to national believers
Truthfulness in relating stories from our national ministry partners
Accuracy in reporting the size, international scope, and income of Empower Ministries
Impartiality in dealing with donors of varying wealth and position
Encouragement of spiritually hungry believers by sharing the secrets of international revival
Financial Standards of Conduct
We practice:Dependence upon the Holy Spirit to bring in needed funding for projects and administrative costs
Inspiration in sharing positive reports of church expansion rather than employing fundraising techniques that utilize pressure to elicit funds from prospective donors
Integrity in the presentation of financial reports and statements
Honesty in representing international projects and costs
Honoring our donors' designations of their gifts to projects
Standards within Empower Ministries
We adhere to:
Ethical, moral, and Christ-like behavior at all levels of ministry and leadership"Bondservant" attitudes (Philippians 2:5) to be maintained by all employees and leadership
Reasonable and modest levels of compensation for all staff
Frugality in controlling national administration expenses and travel