This aid focuses on food, housing, clothing, and some transportation money. As the workers situation evolves and local church congregations assume full responsibility for the worker’s needs, Empower’s involvement then slowly fades away and another national worker is added to the list of worthy recipients.

National Worker Support
In light of the massive turning to God worldwide, indigenous workers are needed to bring in, consolidate, and disciple the largest harvest of souls in human history.
Empower has been called to assist these anointed national believers on a short-term basis — launching into ministry globally thousands of pastors, church planters, evangelists, and Bible teachers. To accomplish this, Empower provides partial assistance for a period of as little as a few months to a maximum of two years. This financial support of the worker and their family is intended to catapult them into ministry without making them dependent on long term foreign assistance. This aid focuses on food, housing, clothing, and some transportation money. As the workers situation evolves and local church congregations assume full responsibility for the worker’s needs, Empower’s involvement then slowly fades away and another national worker is added to the list of worthy recipients.